Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 4-Your Closest Relative

Dear Aint,

Thanks for being the awesome aunt that I can call whenever. I remember calling you the morning after I drunk dialed someone and it didn't go well. You've always been able to offer advice and calm me down. I somehow always get in trouble around you, but I love hanging out with you. I want to know more about your life, and one day I will. Thank you for always being there as someone to call and talk to whenever I need someone other than Mom.

I've inherited your love of photography and interest in family history--even though you think I'm not interested in it, I think it's awesome. You've taught me about life in general, and I can't wait to hear more of your life stories--you always seem to have one that fits perfectly with my life problems at the moment. I have vivid memories of you when I was younger- you were always there: braiding my hair, playing games, watching me, and just simply being there. It's been so great to have a positive, sarcastic, awesome influence like you. You're amazing and I love you so much!!


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