Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 24-The Person Who Gave You Your Favorite Memory

Dear ZachCook,

I can't pinpoint a favorite memory, to be honest, but I can say that 86% of my favorite moments in college include you in some way. Being with you is so effortless and comfortable, and I'm so glad that you're in my life!

I guess I can start with the drinking in Maria freshman year. I have vivid memories of sitting in your room with Ryan and Sam and drinking the night away to gossip, bitching, and country songs that made Ryan angry. I remember a couple particular nights-one night after Opera rehearsal you convinced me to come over for 'one drink', which usually entailed Ryan and I either napping in your room till 5am or walking home in the cold at 1 or 2am. Another time I absolutely cherish was doing line notes. You all fell asleep after a few drinks, but I had line notes to finish and by God I did finish 6am.

And can we talk about MidWest? I mean...really. The scavenger hunt for the signs freshman year, when we fell in love with the golf carts, was truly something special! Haha. Riding in a golf cart with you is simply exhilarating. Except for the time when you almost killed turned the car so sharp I fell out of the side of the cart!! And it was raining! I'm so sad I'll be missing MidWest this year...for other reasons, but golf carting with you is definitely in the top 3.

I always have fun when you're around. I love being with you when we're sober and I miss our wasted heart to hearts. I love that we never have to fight about anything and I love that we love Texas so much. I love that you say Nevada right and I love that you'll stand up to Sam and her crazy Mac obsession with me. (love you, Sam!) I love that you will hate our art teacher with me and we can shoot staple guns at his stupid still-life-shit until it shatters to a million pieces (or until we get frustrated with the staple guns and chuck the damn thing at the ground).

So, my favorite memory with you? Hopefully still to come, because I feel like we haven't had enough time together...I mean you've only been in my life for 2 solid years--there's so much more to do and so much more trouble to get into. I can't wait to have you back in my life, because I miss you a lot: No one wants to listen to good music with me!


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