Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 16-Someone That's Not in Your State/Country

Dear Jane,

You are a kick ass person. All around. As a person, as a stage manager, as a friend, as a party buddy. You just plain kick ass. You're a strong person, you have a compassion and a personality that is absolutely contagious. You know how to do your job and you're confident in your abilities.

This summer was a blast and it's still constantly on my mind. The fun and growing we did this summer was incomparable to anything I've ever experienced. Never before have I meshed with someone in a professional environment the way I did with you. The amount of hard work you put in this summer was absolutely astounding. And the best part? Even more than I liked working with you, I loved hanging out with you. Drinking and...other activities...at the cornfields or chillin on the deck at the Ritz or whatever the hell we decided to do...it was always a joy to be around you. I loved discussing the shows with you and getting deep about HAIR. I am so thankful to have shared that show with you. I am so glad that we could talk and discuss the show and what we thought it meant and be a part of that--together.

I wish with all my heart that when I go back to Webster Senior year that you would be there. I know that's not going to happen, but I still wish that it would.

You always knew what to say. You're a calm person and when I was having a shitty day (which, granted, were few and far between), you were always there to lend an ear and a witty comment to my bitchy statements. Thank you--for everything. I love you and I miss you and I know you're kicking ass and taking names at Milikin, but I wish it were at Webster.


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