Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 15-The Person You Miss the Most

Dear Webster Family,

I miss you. I miss those I call my best friends. I miss those that I'm not close with and may only know by name. I miss those whose name I have yet to learn because they are the Class of 2014. I miss the camaraderie of the Conservatory that takes us through the year without (too many) mental breakdowns.

The spirit of the Conservatory has always inspired me. It has always reminded me why I do what I do and why I love my job. The passion I see each day is a reminder that there are happy people in the world and that not everyone hates their job. I watch the friendships grow and fall apart, I watch the drama unfold and I see the laughs, tears and everything in between--I'm a Stage Manager, after all...I pay attention.

Being half a world away is a strange sensation--one I've experienced before, but not on such a strong level. It is not something that comes in waves. It's constant. Is that a little dramatic? Maybe. It's not an ache that's in the forefront of my mind at every waking moment. It's a dull the few minutes after the first minute of jamming your finger. The pulsing, rhythmic, feeling when you can feel the blood running and pumping in your body. You're aware, but it doesn't hurt as much as it did a moment ago. It's that kind of ache.

Conservatory is my solid ground, my inspiration, my reason to get up and go another day and my confirmation and my encouragement. I miss Conservatory as a whole and I miss the individuals that make Conservatory what it is. I feel like I'm missing a lot--I'm having a bunch of new and amazing adventures here, but I'm also missing the crazy parties, cabarets, shows, and new people. And life goes on...which is the great thing. I'll come back in August next year and start my final year and live it up to be all that it can be, because my Conservatory family is going to be there--different and changed, but all still the same ole Webster. And I can't wait to see you all.


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