Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 28-Someone Who Changed Your Life

Dear Angela,

How could I ever have imagined, Freshman year, when I first met you with the most basic of "Hi! I'm Ashley. How are you?" that that was the beginning of an amazingly spectacular friendship? Put quite simply, you're everything to me!! You're my drinkin buddy, my party buddy, my late-night chat friend, my listener, my common sense, my moral compass (sometimes), my conscience (every so often), my encourager, my Scrubs/Grey's/Big Bang/Castle/White Collar watching partner, my inside joke vault, and a well of unending laughter and always--the promise of a good time filled with crazy shenanigans.

I remember filling out our Roommate Contract Freshman Year. We joke about it now every chance we get--How housing must not have looked at our housing surveys at all, because we were almost polar opposites--we still are, but we've learned to compromise, at least! You like to stay up late, I'd rather get up early. You like studying with music and I need quiet. I like country music and you like...everything but. After all the horror stories we heard about 2 SMs living together, I was wary...what if you started to hate me? What if I got on your nerves? Would we be able to live together peacefully? Would we be too competitive to coexist in the same 12 square feet of space provided to us by Webster? I didn't know the answer to any of these things. But we love theatre. And we love having fun. And that's what I've spent the last two years of my life doing with you and I wouldn't trade a second.

You've taught me about how to live life by just living it yourself. We've explored together and cried and laughed and bitched together. You're always the person I go to when I can't handle my life, because you'll always put it in perspective for me. You have always encouraged me and always know the right things to say when I'm fed up with the world. I know you've been through some stuff, but you're strong. You're a strong person and a kick ass Stage Manager. You know how to handle high stress situations both in life and in professionalism.

I love talking to you about anything--everything. At the beginning of the year Freshman Year, I was sure we'd be tired of each other by the end, but I was ready for more! "Let's live together again!", we decided. East Hall turned out to be a winner. We had a great time and an amazing year full of drunk, sober, and everywhere in between nights that turned out to be some of my favorite memories. Thank you for everything. It's never an effort to be with you--I can always be myself and for that I thank you and love you.

Traveling Europe with you has been such an amazing adventure--and it's not even halfway done!! I couldn't pick anyone else that I'd want to travel with as much as I love traveling with you. We've learned so much and I love 'pretending' to be a real student with you. I love going random places with you and not having plans. I love planning our lives after college and I love everything about our lives right now. I'm sorry this letter is not more articulate, but I feel like I always tell you everything and you know pretty much everything about me.

Next semester will be the first time in 28 Months that we will most likely not see each other for a solid 4 months. I am going to miss you so much, but I know you will have a great time at your internship and learn so much. I can't wait to come back Senior Year and rock the shit out of WebCo with you. I love you so so much.


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