Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 19-Someone Who Pesters Your Mind

Dear Katie,

You asked for a letter. Conveniently...I think about you a lot...and this is the letter I'm on!!

I'll start by saying I miss you. And I love you. Thank you for all the drives homes, the talks, and the late night truck rides to playgrounds. Thank you for all the tech days and the things you've taught me and the meaning of life discussions.

So here I am...halfway across the world...and there you are: Conservatory-ing it up...designing lights and sets and I feel like I'm missing a very important part of your life. And I'm even missing the non-important things. But I always think about you! When something funny happens, I want to tell you about it, or I want to give you 'the look' so you can roll your eyes with me at the two of them.

I want you to experience Europe with me! You'd love it here! The art and the history and the culture--I hope you're having a good time in Conservatory, but I also, selfishly, wish you were here. I need you to be my base of reason, my conscience, and I need to be able to give someone the judgement face with Ang. I need you to make bad decisions with me and laugh about it the entire time. I need you to cook good food and play monopoly and drink till we can't see straight.

I miss you so much, Katie. I'm so proud of all you've done...I feel like I've known you my whole life, when really I've known you for just at two years. You're one of my best friends and you are so incredibly talented and sweet. Your sass is an added bonus to the awesomeness that is you. You think you're not up to the challenge, but you always rise above and beyond whatever is expected of you, and I hope that one day you will see how truly talented you are and stop doubting yourself. Stop thinking you can't do things--because you've proven time and time again that you can do anything you set your mind to. Stop thinking your work isn't good enough--it's phenomenal. Keep yourself in check, but don't beat yourself up-you are a talented and amazing woman and I thank the "Fondue God" that we were "melted" together in the Class of 2012.


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