Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 3-Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

Most people are terrified of becoming their parents. Me? I see you in myself sometimes, and I'm proud. The most amazing thing you have done for me is never tried to make me who I'm not. You've never forced me to be anything--to do anything that I didn't want to. You've allowed me to grow while gently guiding me towards a life that you desire for me-a life of love and of peace and happiness. And there's nothing that I can say to thank you fro that. Nothing that I can do to show you that I really do appreciate your love and acceptance.

I know a lot of things changed when I moved to St. Louis. And I know that sometimes you're not as proud of me as you could be. But I'm making my own mistakes. I'm learning and I'm living a life that may not be the best one, but I could be doing worse. I have friends who take care of me and are there for me, and even though that's no replacement for a mom and dad's love, you should know that in St. Louis, I have people who care about me.

You've taught me to be who I am. You've grounded me in your views and beliefs and though I'm not sure what I think about all that anymore, I know that you believe it, and that's enough for me. Thank you for the love and the patience throughout the years. You've taught me how to love and how to view the world in a pure light. You've shown me how to be thankful and how to pray. You've taught me the beauty of the world, the value of family and how sometimes all you need is a good hug, a smile, and the words "It's going to be okay."

I love that you accept my career choice, cause sometimes I feel like I don't know what the hell I've gotten myself into. My dearest hope for you is that one day you get to travel the world and see everything you want. I want you to be explodingly happy and joyous and enjoy every day. I want everything for you, because you've given me everything. Above all, I want you to know that I love you and I am so thankful that I have parents who have taught me so much and that I can laugh and enjoy spending time with.


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