Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 14-Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear Heather,

You're a beautiful person. You're selfless and compassionate and fiery. You love the world around you, you love the people in it. We had the best of times and we shared blankets, late nights, hairbrushes, and our souls. You saw a part of me that not many saw.
I'm so sorry that you moved away--but that's selfish of me. Once you settled, you found yourself, you found a place that you belong. I was not as lucky, and I didn't even move 200 miles away. But you're strong and I love that about you. I miss you, so much! I miss our inside jokes and our talks and I'm sorry that I wasn't good about keeping in touch. We had a beautiful friendship, but I know that life takes its toll on anything, and that's what happened to us: life.

Well, I haven't heard your voice in over a year, but I love keeping up with you on Facebook and seeing you grow! I'll always cherish our crazy memories and the greatest gift of all: your love, support, and confidence. You are an amazing young woman and I wish you all the best that this world has to offer because you deserve it.

I coaster you,

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