Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2-Your Crush

Dear Crush,

I don't even know how to start this letter. I thought I'd be able to come up with plenty to say...But it turns out this is slightly difficult-I'm a cross between a hopeless romantic and a pretty cynical person. I don't write well, you see, and I don't really talk that well either. In fact, a lot of times I feel like I don't know anything when I'm talking to you--movies, music, art, life, etc--but not in a bad way. Whenever I talk to you, it's more of a I-have-so-much-more-to-learn-and-discover kind of way.

And actually, someone that can instill that kind of curiousness in me? Pretty special. I'm not going to pretend to know you, or who you are, or where your life has taken you over the years. I'm just going to enjoy thinking you're adorable and smart and enjoy spending time with you.

I'm actually, secretly hoping that if I ever do meet 'The One', he possess a lot of the things I see in you. But I think that's a different letter for another day. Right now, I have to go travel the world, which I think you would really enjoy.


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