Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 21-First Impression

Dear Zachary,

My first impression of you was not a bad one. If I'm going to be completely honest, (and I may as well be) I was immensely intimidated by you. 'Now there's a guy who knows what he wants' I thought to myself. Sure, you had closed yourself off to us a little with the whole "I'm a Transfer" vibe, but you were a strong person. I could tell. Your crazy hair kinda threw me for a loop. You were different...but I decided it was a good different. I didn't know if we'd be friends or not, or even if I'd like you. I didn't know if you would want to hang out with us 'young ones' or if you'd stay in your group. I did know that you seemed nice enough, so I just went with that. I knew that 4 years would either make or break us as a class and we'd roll with the punches as they came.

I'm still intimidated by you sometimes. Your ability to handle high stress situations and your ability to turn on and off the professionalism that charms so many people is utterly amazing. You're talented at so many things, and have a determination that I've always envied. You're so grounded in your beliefs and who you are as a person--another thing I'm envious of. You've taught me a lot-both in our profession and in life. And about alcohol. And I'm thankful for it all. My first impression of you was correct. You are a strong man who has immense determination and whose vision is very clear and attainable because...well...you're you!

I'm glad things changed and I'm glad that we got to be friends--because I consider you a very important and vital part of my life. I love and miss you here on the other side of the globe, but I know you're rocking Conservatory and showing the Freshmen what's up.

Peace & Love,

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