Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 26-The Last Person You Made a Pinky Promise To

Dear MA,

I'm pretty sure we pinky promised that night at The Cornfields. If we didn't, then I did it in my head...and I'm going to write to you all anyway.


We had a great plan. =) Props, kids, we did it!!
Those were some crazy times. Not only that week, but the entire summer. You guys made my summer. Period. End of discussion. If I had not had the three of you to fall back on and bitch to and party with, the summer would not have been the same.

Ryan, I'm glad we got to be closer over the summer. Last year, I missed what we had Freshman Year (follow that? yikes). You are so very talented at what you do and an amazing person to work with. I hope I get to work with you again in Conservatory, because I absolutely loved it this summer. Thanks for all the heart to hearts and gossips and drinking and...such. Zach trained you well (kidding). We had some crazy times and I hope that when I get back to Webster we will have even more ridiculous shenanigans. On the down side, I miss you even more while I'm here. You're going to have a great time here in Vienna--you'll love every day and I just know it! A very selfish part of me wishes you were here with me now, and not at Webster designing and being fantastical and rocking Conservatory. Love you mean it!

Doc, my life without you=less awesome. Your crazytalk got me through some days and you never failed to brighten my day. I'm sorry I killed you in round was just too easy, darling. Thank you for this summer--the trips to St. Louis and Decatur and Mattoon and everything in between. Sullivan was an amazing little town with you in it because there was almost never 'nothing to do'. You're passionate about theatre and the work that you do there, and I think you're an amazing electrician or designer or stage manager or whatever you want to be because you can rock whatever the hell you decide. Love you mean it!

Jane, you already got a letter, but I'll go head and say it: I love the hell out of you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. PS--Sorry I killed you. Love you mean it!

So, with all my love, I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. I hope very very much that MA will be reunited next summer, because I think it's a beautiful thing to be able to love your work and love the people you do it with.


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