Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 11-A Deceased Person

Dear Billy,

I always wondered what I would call you if I had a grandpa. Grandpa Bill? PawPaw? I don't know. But I've always wanted to meet you. I imagine you would have told me all about Daddy when he was little. We would have so many things to talk about--you would teach me so much--things only a Grandpa can teach.

You'd tell me stories about hunting and all the family trips you took.You'd sit me on your lap at 5 years old and tell me about all the dangers of life. When I was 12 you'd tell me all the things you've seen--all the hardships you've experienced. Now, at 20, you'd impart to me the infinite wisdom of the universe and tell me that Daddy doesn't really know what he's talking about, but you do, because you're old and wise and have been through the mill. I'd laugh and say that my Daddy is smart and loving and compassionate and you'd smile and agree with me. Where do you think he gets it all, anyway?

They don't talk about you much, but I imagine you to be an amazing man, and I wish that I'd had the chance to meet you.


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