Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 27-The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only a Day

Alright, a little back story on this one:: Zlatgo is the vendor down the street from our dorms here in Vienna that sells AMAZING food. It's so delicious!! Ang and I go there way too often, so I see him a lot, but only for about 10 minutes at a time. So here goes!

Dear Zlatgo,

Thank you for your delicious food! I feel like Ang and I eat at your stand too much because you not only know what our orders are, but when I order something different, you know what I want on it too!
I know your German isn't very good, but that's okay...mine isn't either!! Thanks for not getting annoyed when I try to speak really crappy German to you, and I think it's really great to play the "What's this called in your language" game!
You are always so kind and friendly, and I wish I could speak more fluent German so I could talk to you more and learn about you--you seem like a very interesting person who has seen a lot of life and a lot of world. Good luck in your business and in life and thank you for (almost) always being open whenever Ang and I need some lunch or dinner!!


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