Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12

I'm thankful for the love of a beautiful puppy.

Day 11

11:11s and shooting stars.

I'm thankful for a sense of greatness somewhere in the vast expanse that is our universe. And I'm thankful that there is something out there to believe in. To wish on. To dream. Because I think that I'll always want something more from my life, from myself. And I think that it's okay to not be satisfied with life - to want more out of it, to demand it give you what you always want, and bargain with hard work and ambition and a little bit of luck.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 4 - Adventure

I'm thankful for the opportunities I've had to travel. To have adventures and to explore.

There are so many experiences yet to be had and sights to see and things to learn. Every day I am thankful that I started my exploring in Belgium 7 years ago. That trip gave me my first taste of wanderlust.
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to study abroad and have an amazing three months with my best friend and make wonderful new friends and meet Kathleen and travel anywhere my heart desired. I had crazy awesome adventures and saw some truly amazing things. And in my heart now there lies and insatiable desire to have another adventure. And soon. And I can finally make it happen.
I'd marry anyone who said this to me.

Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanks Giving

30 Days of Thanks Giving. Giving Thanks.

To the Universe, to the late night decisions that turned into the best paths, to anything and everything that made me who I am and gave me things to be thankful for.

1. I LOVE my job. I love it. To me, there is nothing in the world more rewarding than the smiles of children who have just been captured by theatrical magic. They're grinning from ear to ear. Their jaws are dropped open at this thing that they've just experienced. They are using their imagination. They don't know exactly what they've seen, but it's awesome, it's cool, it's really neat and it just happened right in front of them!! For a while, they are in this magical world of theatre. Who knows if they'll remember it years from now. But they've seen it. They've embraced it, they've dived in, no questions asked, completely accepting that we are now in a magical forest where giant birds talk to you or near a quiet old farmhouse where gnomes really exist! Theatre for Young Audiences is more than my job. It's my passion and I'm so thankful to be able to do what I love.

2. My parents have always supported me, always loved me, and always encouraged me. When I said I wanted to do theatre for the rest of my life, they never said, "No, that's ridiculous." or "You'll never make enough money to support yourself." or "What about a real job?" They told me that whatever I wanted to do was fine and helped me get to where I wanted to be. They taught me right and wrong and respect and how to see the world. They taught me to trust people and to love everyone. They instilled values in me and I hope I've made them proud with my work and who I am. I love them to the moon and back and I miss them constantly and look forward to seeing whenever I can.
