Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'll Think of a Reason Later

A couple thoughts...

1. Knowing what you had and knowing the moment you lose it is worse than the proverbial "you don't know what you've got till it's gone."

2. I can learn to be happy in any situation if I try hard enough.

3. This whole "49 days till Graduation" is scaring the shit out of me. Pretending to be excited is hard, yo. I'm hoping I'll believe my excitement one day.

4. If a friendship is worth it, you'll give up almost anything.

5. This need to be in Europe is not a phase. I'm not going to grow out of it, it's not going to go away. I will make it happen. I'm nervous and anxious and I know people will tell me no...but I can and will make this happen for myself.


  1. Girl, I will meet you over there!! My Dad has already told me that if I go overseas I'm basically dead to him hahahahaha I'm thinking somewhere in Germany or thereabouts, what about you?! =D <3

    1. I went to Vienna in 2010 and I just haven't stopped needing to go back!! It's a good base city and so so so incredible. There are so many more places to visit though! I want to spend some more time in Germany and Ireland and Italy and France and basically everywhere!! haha
