Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Year in Review (or) To New Possiblities

Welcome to 2011!!
2010 changed my life, and I'm ready to see what 2011 has in store. So-a reflection, a tribute, and a huge thank you to 2010 and everyone who was a part of my life and made last year such an epic 12 months.

Monthly Highlights:
-January: Opera Studio
-February: MWTA
-March: The All Nighter for no reason
-April: 4-Square and Truck Riding
-June: Children's Theatre Shows
-July: [tr]Annie
-August: Hair
-September: Venice & Vienna
-October: Ireland & Vienna
-November: Rome & Vienna
-December: Christkindle Markets & Vienna & Home

Not So Awesome Things
-I'm sure these existed...but I'm on a new 'Don't dwell on those things that weren't awesome' kick.

Year in Objects
-Bottles & Cans
-Decks of Cards
-German Classes

Year in Actions

-Living so far away on my own
-Living in Europe
-Travelling extensively
-Shotgunned Beer

Lessons Learned
-Life isn't as scary as it's made out to be
-Things work out
-Life would be easier if people would just be a little happier
-You'll never know until you try
-Mistakes are okay
-Worrying doesn't help anything
-Do all you can and then let it go

The Year in One Word: Adventure
From travelling Europe to calling my first show in a professional setting, adventure has been sprinkled all over 2010. And I love it! There is mystery and possibilities in adventure--you just have to take the leap and see where you land. And there's nothing wrong with not being satisfied with where you are and deciding to take another leap and hope you end up somewhere different. Little adventures like late night drives to big adventures like the mountains of Ireland have shown me how much the world has to offer is people would just look up from their workaholic lifestyles and appreciate the world that they've been given to work in! Take a risk.

To 2011
-I hope you're filled with risk and adventure and uncertainty. Leave out the worries and the fear and the feelings of inadequacy. You've got some big shoes to fill from last year, but I'm counting on a fierce year.
-Read 100 Books
-Consolidate my life into fewer boxes
-Find the proverbial "Silver Lining" in every situation

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