Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blue Danube

If someone handed me a plane ticket to Vienna International Airport right now, I'd take it without a second thought, pack a bag in 10 minutes, and be off to DFW Airport. I'd land in Vienna several long hours later, but it would feel like a snap.

I'd take the Airport Bus straight down to Schwedenplatz--it's only about 6 Euros. I'd grab a 24 hr U-Bahn ticket and walk around Stephensplatz and Stadtpark. I'd go on the outskirts of the city and visit the Belvedere grounds and Schonbrunn Palace. I could walk around Schonbrunn for hours. And if the weather was nice, I'd sit on one of those benches overlooking that immaculately beautiful courtyard and read a book that inspired me to learn and explore. I'd sit by the Danube-maybe at the park near Webster- and admire the impossibly blue water. Late afternoon would find me back at Stephansplataz for some coffee-a melange, perhaps, or maybe just some hot chocolate. I'd get a kebap for old time's sake and spend my evening at the Opera-watching a world class performance that some people only dream of seeing.

It seems silly, but I miss Vienna more the further away it gets from me. I miss the easy going pace of Austria coupled with its stunning art, architecture, and history. I fear that soon it will seem like a dream-a distant memory--when it was so much more. I miss Vienna with a passion that I didn't even know I had. Don't get me wrong--I'm thoroughly enjoying being home-my family, my friends, my puppy. But I miss the adventure, the uncertainty, the new places to explore. I'm sure those exist here-they just don't seem as mystical as they do there. The excitement that was a new country every weekend is not a luxury I have here, and as special as it was, I don't want it to be a 'once-in-a-lifetime' type thing-I want to do it again! I want to keep going places and exploring. I feel like I only got a taste of Europe-and I need more. And with three of my classmates having their adventure this semester, it just makes me with I was back in that magical city. I'll get back to Vienna eventually, it's the fact that I don't know when that kills me.

So I'll settle for vicarious living for now until I have the $1300 for a plane ticket lying around...I will someday. =)
My favorite view in all Vienna--a fleeting image of the Danube as we raced by it on the U-Bahn between Kagran and Alte Donau.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, that is a wonderful place, and the ride over the Old Danube is always a treat, isn't it? Somewhere on my blog I have pictures taken at the place to your right in your picture: Merisi +Old Danube (I took the archive down, but you can find most of my pictures by going through Google searching for "Merisi +you name it").
