Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter Wonderlands of Vienna, Austria

Snow is kinda magical for me. See, I'm from Texas--we don't get a lot of snow. When we do, it's icy and turns to slush before you can make a proper snow man...which I have never done. Ang has promised to make one with me before we head out of Vienna.

My time in St. Louis has provided me with some fun, snowy shennanigans, but I've never had a legitimate snowball fight, and I've never built a snow fort. These are all very fantastical things that have never seemed real to me. Now this has never really bothered me--in fact I don't like the cold. I don't like the heat, for that matter-I'm a very '65 degrees and slightly cloudy' kind of person.

BUT I can't help but fall in love with this weather here in Vienna!! There is something ethereal about falling snow. And it's the best snow! It's light and fluffy and sparkly. It's like dust, and it's so soft to step through--so much better than anything I've experienced before.

Yesterday I went to the Vienna Woods to explore. They are on a mountain, and from one of the overlooks I could see all of Vienna. I saw the observatory/space needle-esque building I still need to visit, and the apartment building by the mall. Everything looked tiny from up there. I walked along what I supposed to be a sidewalk during warmer times, but now was just a collection of about 4 pairs of footprints. It lead on for a while, and I considered turning back soon, when I saw a HUGE expanse of white snow. There were two snowmen that children had rolled together sitting at the base of the valley. I walked about halfway down, kicking the snow and picking some up every once in a while. It was literally sparkling from the sun, and I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I had seen. The whole piece of land I could see-the sun shining through the snow dusted trees and the perfect, undisturbed stretch of snow was so peaceful.

This has been my city for the past 3 1/2 months, but I have less than 3 weeks to explore. More thoughts on leaving to come later. Anyhow, I've been watching the snow all afternoon. I even played in it a little this afternoon after class. I went to the park across from Webster and just walked...I love the feeling of crunching the snow and it feels very...refreshing. It was, for all intents and purposes (from a Texan perspective), Blizzarding. I had snowflakes on my eyelashes and all in my hair and covering my jacket. But it was simply peaceful. I'm going to miss the snow.

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