Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Little Things

It's probably part of the stupid amount of homesickness I've been feeling lately, but I see faces in the crowds: that could be this person or that person. That boy has your curly hair! That girl has your purse! If that man was 2" shorter and 4 years younger, he'd look just like you! And I feel like my mind is playing this awful, cruel tricks on me, because I'd give *almost* anything to see you right now. Cause it's the little things I miss.
I miss giving her shit about wearing skirts in December.
I miss his sleepy "fuck off"s at 10AM in the PO.
I miss telling her, for the love of God--get some sleep!!
I miss calling him to see if he wants a drink and he always says yes-come over.
I miss hearing all the goings on of the Broadway scene-yeah I didn't think I'd miss that either.
I miss his stupid antics through the DS and the Tech Office and the PO.
I miss the silence of the LHC at night-yes I've been the last to leave once or twice.
I miss the way footsteps echo like sonic booms in the DS.
I miss walking home and it only takes 4 minutes instead of the 40 it takes here.

And those are just a few.
Each day I find myself adding to the list of things I miss about the States, Webster, Home, Family, Friends, and all that. And I feel like I shouldn't be missing so much, because of this extraordinary opportunity I'm living...but I'm allowed a little homesickness, right?

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