Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 30-Your Reflection In the Mirror

'Every man dies, but not every man lives.'

Dear Me,

Hi. Take a look at you!! From where you were a few years ago, I hardly recognize you in a good way!! That scar on your left arm from that fateful night of Hair this summer. The wrinkles under your eyes from not getting enough sleep Freshman year. The laugh lines you created when you were not getting enough sleep last year. The two rings on your fingers that remind you of two of the most important women in your life. The necklace that reminds you of a best friend and the other that reminds you of a loving grandmother. The deep breaths you take when you look in the mirror, thinking you're not ready for the day, but by God, you just gotta get out there anyway.

Take a look!! Look at where your life has gone! You've experienced so much. You've explored new cultures, new things, new CONTINENTS! I'm proud of you. I love that you're getting more confident. I know you're not quite there yet, but maybe someday you'll be able to look at yourself every day and believe that you are beautiful. But you're so close! I think that this year is going to be hard for you, as it's already proven itself slightly trying. Starting the semester by leaving a new family this summer was pretty tough. Not being near your friends this semester is killer, but you're getting through! Just remember that you're making new memories, experiencing new stories that you'll get to tell them, but you just have to live!!

I think that's what you're doing now, and I'm so proud of you for simply living. Live with peace, and live with love. Work with joy and love without conditions. And only then will you find happiness. You'll find it in your work, your loves, your friends, your hobbies, the sunshine, the cold, the hot, the grass, the mountains. You will find life and love in all of these things.

I know it's hard, but stop worrying. Don't worry about what you're going to do next semester. Work on it, but don't worry about it. Stop worrying about your friend and your family. Worry doesn't DO anything. It's all for naught because fate will have it's way--the world will still turn and you can't do anything about it, so for the benefit of all those around you, just LOVE with your whole heart. Pray for peace and understanding in the world--not just for yourself, but for those around you and pray for happiness and love on the earth.


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