Friday, May 27, 2011


For as long as I can remember, and especially within the last year or so, my life has been all about "checkpoints". A checkpoint is any time I look forward to that marks a new start, a major event, etc. Summer and start of school have always been checkpoints. There's also the small ones, like a Sunday day off, or a Friday paycheck. I live my life checkpoint to checkpoint, and sometimes it's frustrating to look back at a piece of my life and see that I've wished it away.

I check pointed to summer 2010. Then, although I had the time of my life, I couldn't wait to board that plane to Vienna. Those 4 months in Vienna were somewhat surreal, in that I honestly wasn't wishing for any specific time--I had a marvelous time just living. And it was wonderful and beautiful and serene to just exist in a country that had so much to offer. But December finally rolled around, and there I was (finally) boarding a plane that took me back to the US. Then it was January and time for an internship. I then checkpointed to this summer and now that we're two weeks in, all I want is be back at Webster.

So because I love this theatre, and I love the work they do, I'm going to enjoy this summer!! It's going to be amazing, I'm just waiting for things to get rolling--the part where I don't sleep a lot and drink way too much and am too busy to wish I wasn't. And as much as I want to be back at Webster, I'm going to start living where life has put me. You never know when you're going to be in the right place at the right time for something to happen. And you could wait your whole life for that something amazing to happen, or you could just love what is right in front of you.

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