Sunday, March 21, 2010

You Have to Stand for Something...Or You'll Fall for Anything...

"Faith is truth to the willing"

The scariest part about believing in something anymore is the knowledge that I had that--I had the faith, I had the passion--and I've lost it. Somewhere between the unanswered prayers and the monotony of the church I grew up in, I lost it. I lost the love, I lost the belief--I lost everything that I thought I knew.

So maybe I don't believe in the conventional principles that I was brought up on. But as I go through this life...As I live and I learn and I discover new things and discuss new ideas...I'm finding things to believe in. And if that's not the Southern Baptist ideals and beliefs, then I'm learning to accept that.

But I believe in friends, I believe in the beauty of life. I believe in a divine power, I'm just not sure to what extent. I believe that a family that loves you is the most wonderful thing in the world. I think that exploring and learning is a necessary part of life. I think growing up is optional and so is suffering, though growing old and experiencing pain is not. I believe in mercy and grace and am trying my hardest to believe in the good of mankind: even though every news story and article and some people tries to prove me wrong. Maybe one day I will go back to what I had, because I'm not ruling anything out. Because part of me still believes what my younger self did, I can't let it go completely and maybe I'll find that again.

I believe that life is meant to be lived and people are meant to be loved, and if I'm wrong, then at least I'm living a life that I can be proud of.

I regret that I cannot articulate my feelings as well as some...that I can't articulate my beliefs in a more sophisticated sounding article. But I guess that's just not who I am right now. That's not my life. And I'm okay. Because I'm content. I'm happy at this very moment in time, and that's what I've been striving for for a long time now, and I finally feel like I'm accomplishing something.

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