Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bend But Don't Break

I don't want to appear so naive as to say I thought things would be the same. But I guess somewhere, a small part of me hoped life would pick back up where it left off when I went away for that magical year. That year that exists somewhere in space--I know it happened, but it seems like a dream sometimes because it was so fantastical. I did things I'd never dreamed of and saw things I can't get out of my head. Vienna is constantly on my mind--a year later and it's no different that it was the third week I was back in the states. It's unexplainable and it's crazy, but unless you've been there--unless you've felt this connection, this bond, you can't understand that I left my heart in a city I lived in for only 3 months.
So I came back and I guess I was hoping to start where I left--with people...with life. But things change. Some for the better, I concede, but some for the worse. And it's the part of me that hoped relationships would be the same that was the stupid part. Because people change: we grow, we evolve, we learn. We see new things and it changes the way we look at life, the way we live, the things we do, the way we are. And I guess the fear now is the one of not reconnecting.
Essentially, the fear of change. Coupled with the fear of the unknown, the fear that "the path I've been working so hard to get on is the one that will take me furthest away from where I want to be".
Senior year is gonna rock so hard--but I have to get over this initial phase and accept that things have changed--and life is all about rolling with the punches and taking what you get. And that may take a little while, but I'll do it, and my senior year is going to be epic.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bold and Bright

She thinks, "Hey, how did I come to this? 
I dream myself a thousand times around the world 
But I can't get out of this place". 
There's an emptiness inside her 
And she'll do anything to fill it in 
But all the colors mix together - to grey 
-Grey Street-